Dubrovnik, Croatia

So, I’m not going to write too much on all of my photo posts as there will be many, but I did want to show a few of my photos from previous trips so one could see the progression of picture quality throughout my upcoming travels. (hopefully!)

Page a Day Keeps the Stress Away

I have been fortunate enough to travel in my life, but the journey we are about to embark on is going to be a game changer.

We are looking to travel like we have never traveled before, see what we have never seen before, do what we’ve never dreamed of doing before, and best of all, meet people we never thought we’d meet before.

I consider my life up until this point as a great introduction to my story — I can’t wait to start experiencing the body of it.


So, this one struck a chord with me for a few reasons.

  1. I think Seth Godin is a genius, and his writing / views on life are unbelievably pertinent to everyone no matter where they are in it.
  2. I uprooted myself from everything — job, organizations, family, and friends. I am inventing my next chapter this very second and each and everyday is another page.

Like with all ‘inventions’ I have no idea whether or not this will be successful, but I do know one thing — life will be nothing like it was before… ever again.

Y-O-U !

I thought about this for a while after I saw it — and thought it was actually a pretty interesting quote. Definitely more than the eye could see at first glance.

There is no one else in the entire world that has everything you have. That is 7.1 billion people! You signify 0.000000014% of the world population! That is awesome — such a small insignificant number can change the world, or the other 99.999999986% of the population!

Start in your everyday, go to work, make a change, make someone’s day better, make your organization better — When organizations work better, communities turn better — When communities are run better, geographies change, and you helped it do so!

Ignore the crowd because if you are just a part of it you will never surpass it! Be different, be yourself, be the change!


Travel > School

Traveling is definitely one of my favorite things to do in life.

Not only because you get to take part in new things, but the knowledge one retains from experiencing new cultures, people, geographies, food, parties, etc. is unparalleled with anything school could ever offer!

First Post of All Time

Here it is. The beginning of a great story. Who knows what we will find in the coming months, the experiences we will have, and the people that we will meet. I am so excited to set out on this trip, but incredibly scared at the same time.