Tag Archives: miami

Learn to Travel <-> Travel to Learn

So, I love TED talks… They are one of my favorites sources to learn from, and I plan on going to at least one while over in Asia.

I stumbled across this video that took place at TEDxVancouver. I thought it was very pertinent to what we have going on and also very valuable information to anyone with the desire to travel. It is a bit lengthy, but well worth the watch!

Always remember — “where you are is where you are supposed to be!”

World Conquest

The figurative trigger has finally been pulled!

That in itself gives me a great sense of accomplishment, but by pulling that trigger I have opened up a whole other world of work for me. It’s not really ‘work’ at all, however the preparation for this trip is going to be no small feat.

There is so much ahead of me that I have to accomplish before I step foot on a plane to leave my hometown of Miami, FL. Some of those items include learning where to go and how to get there, getting back into shape just in case I get into a fight with a ninja, brushing back up on my photography skills so I can take some saweet pictures, and investing time into travel hacking my trip a bit.

First Post of All Time

Here it is. The beginning of a great story. Who knows what we will find in the coming months, the experiences we will have, and the people that we will meet. I am so excited to set out on this trip, but incredibly scared at the same time.

Dr. Martin Segal


Name: Dr. Martin Segal

Profession: Professor of Business Law at the University of Miami
Location: Panther Coffee in Wynwood, Miami
Reason for Meeting: I sat down at the table next to Dr. Segal and his better half, Linda, where I gave them a free latte as the bar duped my original order.

Story: To say there was just one thing to learn from my encounter with Dr. Segal would be a complete fabrication.

We shared our stories, I elaborated on what my next adventure entailed, and he was fascinated so I guess I am actually doing something a bit interesting for once! He essentially looked at my accident as an ‘early’-life crisis wherein I was able to take a step back and really see everything for what it was.

His overall degree of intellect is a rare asset in Miami, FL, and he will be a great contact to keep in touch with going forward onto our adventure.

Parting Words of Wisdom: The universal energy has a special plan for you that is unfolding before your eyes – notice and enjoy it every day.

Make It Count

This video was one of the many awesome things that have inspired me to go on such a crazy adventure! It definitely put the travel bug in me, and even if its just for a day, I hope it inspires some of you to go out and see the world.