All in a day’s work boys — time to go home.

Sunset in Miami, FL
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All in a day’s work boys — time to go home.
Shot taken from my iPhone, so please forgive the quality of the picture, but I felt the need to share it anyways… Who takes the time to really admire anything anymore?
Just a picture of Godzilla terrorizing a water bottle on the hills of Napflion, Greece. Rawr!
Hotel Puente Romano (Roman Bridge Hotel)
This ancient bridge, dating back to the 1st century, is a vestige of the Roman road linking Rome and Cadiz, the renowned Vía Augusta.
So, I’m not going to write too much on all of my photo posts as there will be many, but I did want to show a few of my photos from previous trips so one could see the progression of picture quality throughout my upcoming travels. (hopefully!)