Joy Room… Where do we even start?!
Joy Room has successfully ‘blurred the lines’ between multiple business models. It is a mixture of the luxury offered by the Four Seasons Resorts, the music of an all out concert production, the exclusivity of the city of Monte Carlo, and the scenery of a Victoria Secret Fashion Show.
When the OUCrew arrived with our ‘Mexican Familia‘ we were almost immediately escorted through the ‘gates of the kingdom’. As you walk in it almost seems as if you have entered a completely different world that has the feel of a rain forest oasis. It was about the size of a football field with rain coming down from the 60′ ceilings into numerous beautifully lit lap pools, designs made of fire scattered around the club, four movie theatre sized screens displaying videos that coincide with the music pumping through the speakers, and an impeccable team of servers suited up in all white attire. We could write a completely separate article on the service alone, but just understand that it was like something only seen in the movies.
Joy Room was able to almost scientifically provide for an amazingly unforgettable time in Mexico City, and for that we will be ever thankful!
Check out Joy Room’s Facebook Page for more info!